Impact on Saturn

First image of 'Storm', Dec 5, 2010

On December 5, 2010 the NASA Cassini probe caught this image of a new ‘storm’ in the northern hemisphere of Saturn, estimated to be 1,800 km east-to-west and 1,300 km north-to-south at that date.

Saturn (and Jupiter) are thought to be gaseous planets, therefore any disturbance at their surfaces is currently imagined to be a ‘storm’.  This hypothesis  was expressed in 1981 by Lissauer and Stevenson:  ” …   H [hydrogen] and He [helium] must make up the bulk of Jupiter and Saturn because no other elements can have such low densities at plausible temperatures … “.  Amazingly, this remains the accepted assumption of the entire planetary science community to this day!

Enormous Rocky-Iron Core?

Assuming a purely hydrogen planet allowed the construction of a quantum mechanical model of Jupiter, which failed to produce the correct gravitational moments, so a mere ten-to-twenty earth-mass solid rocky-iron core was arbitrarily added.  What is never mentioned is the fact that this violates the very assumption, quoted above, on which the gaseous hypothesis was based – that if heavier elements were present those in the core would be crushed to such high densities that the measured gravitational moments would not be satisfied.  This modified model requires that huge solid cores had to form quickly enough to capture the great volumes of hydrogen present in the nascent solar system, however observations of other systems have shown that the bulk of the hydrogen is lost in the first million years of a system’s existence, essentially invalidating the model.  Implied in this statement ” … at plausible temperatures … ” is the assumption that the measured temperature excesses, i.e. over and above the temperature due to solar radiation, of both the ‘gas giants’ arises from their deep interiors, leading to theoretical temperatures of 10,000 to 25,000 K there.

Superconducting Hydrogen

The QM model also ‘predicted’ that a special form of superconducting hydrogen would exist out to about 70% of the radius of the ‘gas giants’.   Unfortunately, several decades of research have failed to produce this exotic state of hydrogen in the laboratory.  When queried about the internal makeup of the gaseous planets, scientists say “first we have to determine the equation of state of the hydrogen”, but they never have been able to do this.  This is just one more clue that standard model is incorrect.

‘Storm’ an Atmospheric High?

Saturn "storm' after six months

More mundane problems exist in connection with the ‘storms’ on Saturn (and Jupiter GRS):  (a) They are atmospheric highs, not lows as on Earth and (b) they start almost as a tiny spot (Figure 1) and quickly expand around the planet (Figure 2, two images one day apart), remaining at the same latitude, whereas on Earth storms begin diffuse, become more concentrated with time, and rapidly move toward the poles.

Sudden Appearance

It is obvious that the ‘storm’  imaged on Saturn is an impact on a solid planetary surface below the visible clouds.  NASA scientists have remarked at the sudden appearance of the Great White Spots (a number have been observed).  In fact, the hot gases from the many-megaton impact explosions rise and expand quickly.  By the time they extend above the normal cloud deck they are cool, and form an atmospheric high.  The turbulent gases released swirl  around the planet at the latitude of the impact due to the zonal wind band, but the primary feature remains at the same latitude and longitude because the nuclear fusion conflagration in the crater is fixed on the solid surface of the planet.  Moreover, the heat generated by this nuclear fire is diffused throughout the entire thick atmosphere, giving the illusion that the high temperature originates in the interior.

Saturn’s Rotation Rate

The NASA Cassini scientists have expended considerable effort to determine the true rotation rate of Saturn.  Because only clouds can normally be viewed, this effort has concentrated on its magnetic field, but variations from secondary sources has complicated the analysis.  The simple method would be to measure the rotation rate of the impact spot when it was first spotted and was still small.

Rings and Satellites are Water Ice

Saturn’s rings lie close to the planet, almost entirely within the Roche Limit.  They are acknowledged to be primarily water, as are its ~200 natural satellites.  The currently accepted assumption that the planet is primarily hydrogen and helium makes the presence of so much water close by very difficult to explain.  One hypothesis is that two comets collided very close to the planet,  another that the rings consist of particles knocked off one of the satellites.  The truth is that impacts, such as the one pictured above each blast water into space which eventually settles in the rings.  This is due to the composition of the solid surface, methane gas hydrate, which is primarily water in its natural state at high pressure and low temperatue in the presence of lots of methane.  It is the equation of state of methane gas hydrates that should be determined.

Wake Up!

For decades planetary science has conformed to the ‘Gas Giant’ dogma, resulting in a complete failure to understand the cosmogony and makeup of every planet in the solar system.  In spite of the many problems in current interpretations of the solar system data, billions are spent indoctrinating the next generation with their false ideas on TV.  The NASA engineering feats  have been magnificent and the data collected, such as the Cassini images, is all valid, but the science is severely flawed.  All data is interpreted in conformation with the standard model and any data that cannot be made to conform is labelled ‘bad’ and discarded.  Now we are told that we will learn more by studying exo-planets.  Get real – understand our own system first, or you will never comprehend what is millions of light years distant.

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.  We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.

                                               Albert Einstein    

More Cassini images can be viewed at:

A more detailed article about the true nature of the giant planets can be found at:

Click to access JupiterOct2008.pdf

~ by Angiras on January 4, 2012.

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