The Origin of All Asteroids

Jupiter is a solid highly deuterated methane gas hydrate planet that produces fusion reactions when impacted. This happened when comet Shoemaker Levy 9 hit it, but because the ‘standard theory’ was that it is a gas planet, the event was incorrectly explained.

Six thousand years ago a large impact on Jupiter created the planet currently called Venus. That’s why Venus is so hot. This impact ‘lit up’ Jupiter expanding its visual size tenfold and created the four Galilean moons. It left behind a blazing fusion reaction on the surface of Jupiter which extended two million kilometers into space, rotating with Jupiter very fast and could be seen by the naked eye from the Earth.

It was described physically as the feathers of a peacock but by a number of myths in each culture. It was Juno in Roman myth, imagined to be Jupiter’s wife with hair blowing moving around attempting to see through the glowing curtain with which he had surrounded himself in order to hide his trysts with Io the closest Galilean moon. In Greek myth it was Zeus’ aegis, or shield being moved side to side as in combat and in the RigVeda as mrtanda, an elephant swinging his trunk left and right. This is an example of the information conveyed in ancient myths.

The fusion plume continued for thousands of years, slowly declining. The plume material condensed as it flew out into space in all azimuthal directions propelled by Jupiter’s orbital velocity and rapid rotation. But because the impact had been at 20 degrees south latitude all the bodies into which it condensed were sent into inclined orbits. The blaze was so intense initially that huge bodies were formed by some asterois combining, like Pluto and Ceres. Some were cast into the inner solar system and became Kreutz sungrazers which are the origin of sunspots to this day, some going in the same direction collided forming ‘snowman’ shapes like Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in the inner solar system and Ultima Thule far out, which are obviously cousins from the same source.

The angular momentum of all of this mass being ejected increased Jupiter’s rotational period to about 9.9 hours, still pretty fast for a planet 318 times the mass of the Earth. Fred Hoyle estimated that Jupiter would have had a period of one hour from the acquision of mass in its vicinity, but discarded that estmate because it was so much less than the current period. What happened to the plume? In 6,000 years it has declined to the Great Red Spot, believed to be a ‘storm’ by planetary scientists.

This one impact event produced all the asteroids in the solar system and poor Saturn, so close to Jupiter suffered the brunt of the bombardment, producing its axial tilt. So many of these asteroids hit it and blasted out chunks of ice forming its rings. Tens of thousands of these Juno asteroids are orbiting in the L4 and L5 Lagrange points of Jupiter. An expensive mission is planned to sample one of these – come on, ya seen one, ya seen em all. These are completely useless, with no differentiation as seen in 67P. Thus all asteroids are in inclined orbits and all the Kreutz sungrazers enter the vicinity of the Sun from below the plane of the solar system.

Believe it or not, some scientists believe that the entire solar system formed from asteroids and the existing ones are leftovers.

~ by Angiras on August 26, 2021.


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