Significance of the Moon

Surprisingly, planetary science professes and teaches that the solar system has not changed for 4.5 billion years. But unable to conceive of a capture scenario, consensus science believes (a religious concept) that the Moon formed when a huge body impacted the early Earth. As a result, both the new Earth and Moon became molten, but because of the greater mass of the Earth, the Moon should have collected 20 times less highly siderophile elements than the Earth. Alas, Apollo rocks reveal that the Moon has 1,000 times less of these iron-loving elements, casting doubt on the impact model.

Of course this problem was attacked by building a computer model of the impact and varying impactor masses, velocities, and angles, but the best improvement it gives is one third less HSE than previously estimated on the Moon, hardly making a dent in the 1,000 times shortage measured. The author muses “This strikingly low value changes previous considerations on the Moon’s late accretionary history …”

Capture of the Moon

The Moon was captured from a planet called Metis in Greek myth only 12,000 years before the present in the Younger Dryas, a 1,300-year period during which a number of encounters caused enormous destruction on the Earth. The dates obtained from the GRIP Greenland ice cores are questionable because periods of unusual warmth are not recorded and temperatures are based on isotope ratios which would have changed continuously as the atmosphere of Mars was blasted to the Earth between 3687 and 687 BC.  Claims like. “The GRIP ice core is especially important because the ages of the ice at various levels in the core has been determined by the counting down of annual layers in the ice, giving a very accurate chronolgoy, and climatic fluctuations have been determined by measurement of oxygen isotope ratios.” Now to claim that the ice cores contain a continuous record of 12,000 countable yearly layers is not plausible.  Velikovsky cites ancient tribes whose cultural memory included a time before the Moon shown.  The Hebrew Tanakh states that YHWH paired the Moon with the Sun.

The best evidence for the capture scenario lies in the fact that the warm Holocene era begins at the end of the YD, due to the stabilization of the Earth’s spin axis. Another effect not imagined was the overturning of the entire lithosphere of the Earth twice during the YD. This was the first step in the destruction of all ancient, dinosaur, neanderthal life on Earth. These overturnings did not change the rotational velocity, merely inverted the spin axis of the lithosphere. Plato relates that Egyptian priests told Solon the Greek that in their cultural history the the sun rose where it once set four times. Amerind cultures have the same myth of “four Suns”. The  first two overturnings occurred in the Younger Dryas.  These inversions caused tidal waves across entire continents moving at a thousand miles per hour driving ahead of them huge tumbling boulders like the teeth of a horizon-to-horizon monster. and left the land covered with layers of ocean-bottom material seen by modern seismic techniques as Low Velocity Zones beneath the continents of the Earth.

Two additional inversions of the lithosphere resulted from close passes of proto-Venus, the first of which scorched the Earth from the Sahara to the Himalayas, evidenced by the largest scar on the face of the Earth. The second occurred as proto-Venus sheparded the living world of Mars to an orbit intersecting that of the Earth, beginning the terra-forming of the Earth for the next 3,000 years, the Vedic Period.

The Moon brought HSE elements to the Earth

The Moon had been captured because its alignments with Mars during the Vedic period were needed to cause convulsions within Mars that blasted, via hundreds of vocanos, hails of meteorites  (the siderophile elements) to the Earth, along with great clouds of its atmosphere carrying red soil, water, and Soma, manna in the Bible, haoma in the Avesta, ambrosia and nectar in Greek myth and sacred mlk in Egyptian texts, proving that this intoxicating dew which carried living sprouts of all the vegetation we have today fell to the Earth for thousands of years.  In the Vedas, Soma was declared a god because its intoxication allowed the people to see the world in a better light, just as it does today. The Moon was indeed paired with the Sun because having exactly equal diameters, solar eclipses aligned with Mars caused the most enormous convulsions blasting the greatest masses of the siderophile elements from deep within Mars.

Agni is the messenger and mediator between Earth and Heaven, announcing to the gods the hymns, and conveying to them the oblations of their worshippers, inviting them with the sound of his crackling flames and bringing them down to the place of sacrifice. As concentrating in himself the various sacrificial duties of different classes of human priests. Agni is called the purohita or great high priest. He is a priest or minister who sacrifices at the proper seasons and a hotar, an invoking priest, a herald who calls the gods to enjoy the offering. All riches are at his disposal, and he is the most beautiful rewarder, both directly and indirectly, of the pious whose oblations he carries to the gods.  


~ by Angiras on July 24, 2019.


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